Monday, October 15, 2018

Hello Budapest!!!

On our first day in Budapest we visited the Hospital in The Rock. Not many people seem to know about this historical gem, it seemed. The instruments and working conditions of those times would be of much interest to people in the medical industry, I suspect! A very interesting display was about what would happen if a nuclear bomb was dropped today. Alongside were works of art about the bombings in Japan and the distress of the people - very graphic and touching.
For the remainder of the day we wandered about the 
It  was a huge walking day on our second and last day in Budapest. We took the furnicular to the Buda Castle in which a huge variety of Museums are housed. I took a quick peek at the late Frida Kahlo Exhibition and Artworks – what an influential person she was and still is! Oops -  we forgot the synagogues are not open Saturdays!! So we missed inspecting the world’s second biggest. But we did inspect those shoes at the rivers edge -  a most moving memorial, I felt. Some people had no idea what they were about and there were some exclamations of shock from some when they read the plaque. 
After lunching at another Ricks Cafe we trundled off to the Jewish Quarter and the ‘Ruins.’ It was hard to find the eclectic shops and pubs we had expected to come across at first – and we were not going to take the 45Euro pp walking  trip to find out!! Eventually we came across an interesting market in an eclectic ‘Restaurant/Bar Alley’ where I met a talented artist and elderly cat owner from Bolognia. You will see some of her unique artwork at  home upon our return…..

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