Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Welcome to England, Travellers!!

Ever been travelling so much, that some times you are not sure where you are? Sometimes in this global village of our world, every city street has the same shops - Starbucks, Makkers, Subway, and the usual big name department and fashion stores.

Chris and I were sharply reminded, today, that we were in London, England. Because we discovered, again, that the English are very good at doing one thing. No, it was not shopping in in Regent street, checking out the sales, on what, we found out, was the busiest shopping day of the year. No, it was not their delightful London English accents either.

It was the queuing! English people are qreat at queues! You can see them, everywhere - Bus queues, get into shop queues, outside changing room queues, makeup testing queues, select product - but not pay for - queues, pay for item queues, information queues, try on shoe queues -oh and make sure you are queueing for the correct brand of shoe or, yes, stand in that queue over there, please!!

At least, after an exhausting day of queueing at the shops, we did not have to queue up for a beer at one of the English local pubs in London...... Uh Oh, somebody is standing behind us.... "Excuse me - is this the queue to get a beer?"

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